January 2006 Archives

Pros and Cons of working at home

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  • Starting at 10 PM when Mama-Lu puts Matthew down. Getting sleepy.....
  • Missing out on the only TV I watch all day.


  • Blogging breaks :)
  • Sipping a Black Russian while I work. Oh yeah, that's the good stuff!
  • Working topless.
  • The smile on Mama-Lu's face at seeing me a few hours more than she otherwise would.
  • Do you need any other reasons?

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Americans on Call

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logo-med.jpgFrom the Catholic University law school, an important movement is coming forth.

Americans on Call seeks to provide a nationwide network of people willing to help women choose life. This is the true work of the pro-life movement - helping women who don't want to abort, but who feel trapped, aone, scared.

Here is the homepage of the movement, which includes information on how to become a part of the network of those comitted to helping pregnant woman choose life.

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Playing catch up with the Pope again. Here's the general audience address from 1/18/06, kicking off the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Excerpt:

"Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven" (Matthew 18:19). This solemn assurance of Jesus to his disciples sustains our prayer. Today begins the by-now traditional Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, an important appointment to reflect on the tragedy of the division of the Christian community and to pray with Jesus himself "that they may all be one so that the world may believe" (John 17:21). We also do so here, in harmony with a great multitude in the world. The prayer "for the unity of all" involves, in different ways and times, Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants, united by faith in Jesus Christ, only Lord and Savior.

Here's the audience address from 1/25/06, a commentary on Psalm 143 (144): 9-15. Excerpt:

This picture of a different but possible world is entrusted to the work of the Messiah, as well as to that of his people. All of us together, under the guidance of the Messiah, Christ, must work for this project of harmony and peace, preventing the destructive action of hatred, of violence and of war. It is necessary, however, to be on the side of the God of love and justice.

For this reason, the psalm concludes with the words: "Happy the people so blessed; happy the people whose God is the Lord." God is the good of goods, the condition of all other goods. Only a people that acknowledges God and that defends spiritual and moral values can truly go out to find a profound peace and become itself a force of peace for the world, for other peoples, and, therefore, can intone with the psalmist the "new song," full of confidence and hope. It recalls spontaneously the new Covenant, the very novelty that Christ and his Gospel are.

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Deus Caritas Est


Pope Benedict XVI's long-awaited first encyclical is out. I want to read it before I say anything about it, and time is scarce these days, but in the meantime, I thought I'd provide a link so you can read it for yourselves.

Here it is at the Vatican's homepage

Here's a more eye-friendly version.

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Albino monks, etc.

So here I am facing another Minnesota winter, looking to expand my mind. Naturally I turn to "The Winter & Spring 2006 Community Education Catalog" of the Eden Prairie, Minnesota public schools, where I see the very first course offering is
Da Vinci Code Historical Seminar

Did you find the historical events in the 2003 fictional best-seller interesting but too fantastic to believe? Actually, most of the background items cited in the book were tied to events purportedly recorded in history.

It gets better.

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W vs. human traffickers


Just when I'm getting fed up with the president, I read something like this.

According to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, investigations into trafficking "increased by more than 400 percent in the first six months of fiscal year 2005, compared to the total number of cases in fiscal year 2004." Although keeping true numbers on these effusive crimes is next to impossible, according to the U.S. Department of Justice, between 14,500 and 17,500 people are being traded within the United States. Internationally, the estimate is between 600,000 and 800,000, mostly women and children. But nations plagued with sex trafficking, who've enabled sex trafficking, are changing in part because, according to Congressman Chris Smith (R., N.J.), "they know we mean business."
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Murphy's Baby Law #1

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No matter how long you wait to change him, your newborn will poop 2 minutes after receiving a fresh diaper.

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Easy Like Sunday Morning

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The Death Penalty in the Early 21st Century

"At no point are we not going to value the sanctity of life," said prison spokesman Vernell Crittendon. "We would resuscitate him," then execute him.

All I'm saying is, sometimes we try a little too hard to make everybody happy.

Hat-tip to Roman Rob, studying hard, I presume?

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Catching up with the Pope


Here are the general audience addresses from the past three weeks.. I've been busy, ya know...

December 28, on the second part of Psalm 138(139).


After pondering on the gaze and presence of the Creator that sweeps across the whole cosmic horizon, in the second part of the Psalm on which we are meditating today Goel' turns his loving gaze upon the human being, whose full and complete beginning is reflected upon.

He is still an "unformed substance" in his mother's womb: The Hebrew term used has been understood by several biblical experts as referring to an "embryo," described in that term as a small, oval, curled-up reality, but on which God has already turned his benevolent and loving eyes (verse 16)

Pretty neat words to come on Charlie's birthday, huh?

January 4, on Colossians 1:3,12-20.


Christ visibly re-proposes among us the "invisible God." In him we see the face of God through the common nature that unites them. By virtue of his most exalted dignity, Christ precedes "all things," not only because of his eternity, but also and especially in his creative and provident work: "In him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible ... and in him all things hold together" (cf. verses 16-17). Indeed, they were also created "for him" (verse 16).

And so St. Paul points out to us a very important truth: History has a destination, a direction. History moves toward humanity united in Christ and thus moves in the direction of the perfect man, toward the perfect humanism.

In other words, St. Paul tells us: Yes, there is progress in history. There is, we could say, an evolution of history. Progress is all that which brings us closer to Christ and thus closer to a united humanity, to true humanism. And so, hidden within these indications there is also an imperative for us: to work for progress, something that we all want. We can do this by working to bring others to Christ; we can do this by personally conforming ourselves to Christ, thereby taking up the path of true progress.

January 11, on Psalm 143(144):1-8.


The hymn begins with a blessing, that is, with an exclamation of praise addressed to the Lord, celebrated with a little litany of salvific titles: He is the sure and stable rock, he is loving grace, he is the protected fortress, the refuge of defense, liberation, the shield that forestalls every evil assault (cf. Psalm 143[144]:1-2). Also appearing is the martial image of God who trains his faithful in the struggle so that he will be able to face the hostilities of the environment, the dark powers of the world.

Despite his royal dignity, before the Almighty Lord, the psalmist feels weak and fragile. Then he expresses a profession of humility that is formulated, as he already said, with the words of Psalms 8 and 38. He feels like "a breath," like "a passing shadow," inconsistent, submerged in the flux of time that passes, marked by the limitation proper to the creature (cf. Psalm 143[114]:4).

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Brisk morning air

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Ahhh.. there's nothing like waking up to the sound of your son writhing and squealing in a seeming agony, followed by the thunderous roar of his pants being filled.

Good morning!

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Blogging for love


For Mama-Lu, here's the link to that radio show I told you about a while ago: On Point discusses Chekhov with a new translator of his plays.

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Sadly, but necessarily, Cubs say goodbye to Patterson


What can a Cubs fan feel upon hearing the news that the Cubs traded Corey Patterson to the Baltimore Orioles for two minor league players but sadness?

Patterson has the tools to be one of the best hitters in the game today. Indeed, we've seen flashes of his potential. Unfortunately, his development with the Cubs organization was radically derailed in 2005, and it has been clear to all observers that he had to go.

Patterson has a chance yet to be great, but not with the Cubs. In 2005, Patterson lost the trust of management, fans and the Chicago media. There's no way he can make that up with Cubs, and so if he's going to be anything in the bigs, it will have to be for somebody else. Even then, there's no guarantee he can do it. He has to make up his mind about what kind of player he wants to be, the Orioles need to respect that decision and use him properly (or persuade him to fulfill the role they have in mind for him), and then Corey has to carry through. His career could easily falter on any of those points.

As for the players they received in return: don't expect to hear their names again. They are mid-level prospects who have not played above A-ball. I may be proved wrong, and would love to be, but the only real upside for the Cubs is beng free of Patterson's $3.5 million contract.

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You might be out of your mind if....

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A tip to all proprietors of fringe websites:

If the second question in your FAQ has to be "Are you really serious?" you just might need to reconsider your mission.

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What Aslan can learn from Hobbes


For a cat-hater, I sure have a thing for fictional cats.

Christianity Today has a great little article on Narnia, Calvin and Hobbes, commercialism, integrity, etc. It's worth a read.

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January Prayer Intentions


Here are the Holy Father's Prayer Intentions for January:

General intention:
That the effort to bring about the full communion of Christians may foster reconciliation and peace among all the peoples of the earth.

Missionary intention:
That Christians may know how to welcome migrants with respect and charity, recognizing in each person the image of God.

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Here's Matthew during his first encounter with Baby Charlie. Matthew was thrilled by this new little person and could not stop giving him kisses. Still, two days later, he loves to curl up next Charlie and kiss him and play with him.

Now we just have to teach Matthew about "gentleness." He's got a bit of a harsh love-tap.

You can also see in this picture the IV on Charlie's right hand. Ouch.

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Mama-Lu's Etsy Shop

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